Dataset: The Health of Houston Survey 2010

Variable qnr6_a: Number of days per week with smoke in house [S]

Literal Question

R6. On average, about how many days per week is there smoking inside your home?

Descriptive Text

The universe for this variable includes all adult respondents age 18 and older who live in homes where smoking is allowed. This question was not asked in the mail survey.

Values Categories N NW
0 79 30,999.8
1 18 5,655.8
2 18 11,941.8
3 19 16,399.7
4 6 1,328.9
5 12 7,595.2
6 4 3,961.7
7 202 122,201.0
97 Rarely 72 28,956.6
-1 NIU - child, mail, non-smoking household 6064 3,856,848.3

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 430 229040.72
Missing cases 6064 3856848.28
Minimum 0.0
Maximum 97.0
This variable is numeric


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