Datasett: The Health of Houston Survey 2010

Variabel hiv_scrn: HIV screening


Q19. Have you ever been tested for HIV? Include testing fluid/saliva/spit from your mouth. Do not count tests you may have had as part of a blood donation.

Beskrivende tekst

The variable is calculated to show the percentage of respondents who comply with Healthy People 2020 recommendations to be tested for HIV in the past year. Included were respondents ages 18-44 to most closely match the Healthy People 2020 recommendations of 15-44 years old. This question was not asked of children ages 15-17 and therefore was not included in the calculation.

Verdier Kategorier N NW
1 Yes 428 302 053,6
2 No 1263 1 010 641,7
0 NIU - not in universe 4803 2 773 193,6

Oppsummert statistikk

Gyldige tilfeller 1691 1312695.356
Manglende tilfeller 4803 2773193.644
Denne variabelen er numerisk

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