Datasett: The Health of Houston Survey 2010

Variabel qnv20: Child school day screen time


V20. On a typical SCHOOL DAY, how many hours does your child usually spend watching television or TV, videos, DVDs, or playing video games?

Beskrivende tekst

The universe for this variable includes children ages 6 to 17. This question was not asked in the mail survey. There is a slight difference in the way this question was asked for children ages 12-17 (see the questionnaire for details).

Verdier Kategorier N NW
0 None 46 38 685,7
1 Less than 1 hour 221 165 580,6
2 1-2 hours 388 329 199,2
3 2-3 hours 159 146 529,0
4 3-4 hours 61 47 850,3
5 4-5 hours 21 15 131,4
6 5+ hours 15 10 845,8
-1 NIU - child under age 6, adult 5583 3 332 066,9

Oppsummert statistikk

Gyldige tilfeller 911 753822.074
Manglende tilfeller 5583 3332066.926
Denne variabelen er numerisk

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