Jeu de données: The Health of Houston Survey 2018 Pre-Harvey


HHS2018 PRE-HARVEY DATA. The Health of Houston Survey 2018 Pre-Harvey is part of the Health of Houston Survey 2018 (HHS) Public Use Data File. Users can find study information and descriptions under the metadata for the main file, HHS2018 PUDF, or at the survey website ( The HHS conducted interviews in 2017, before Harvey at the end of August, as well as in 2018, six to nine months after Harvey. To make room for questions on Harvey's effects, some questions from the main survey were dropped, and as such, are asked only to the respondents interviewed before Harvey. For ease of use, we have included in this file variables related to the aforementioned questions, along with some sociodemographics, and those adult respondents who provided answers (n=2709). A specific weight ('Fnlwgt_pre') is available to make this sample representative of the adult population of Harris County.


(1) Prior to conducting cross-tabulations with this dataset in Nesstar, 'Fnlwgt_pre' should be selected for accurate point estimates by clicking the scale icon on the top right hand of the screen.
(2) The user must exercise caution in interpreting tabulation results that contain very small cell unweighted counts becasue they will produce unreliable estimates and are insufficient to support inferences.

To download the data please fill out a standard public use file data agreement form ( and send it to [email protected]. Study documentation/codebook can be downloaded prior to signing the PUDF agreement, by clicking the disc icon download in Nesstar, on the top right side of the screen. If you would like to receive updates and notices about dataset updates, please register at the survey website. The dataset is Version1.1, as of August 31, 2019.

Description du document


The Health of Houston Survey 2018 Pre-Harvey

Date de production



Nom Affiliation Abréviation:




Nom Affiliation Abréviation:

Description de l'étude


The Health of Houston Survey 2018 Pre-Harvey

Numéro d'identification


Date de production



Nom Affiliation Abréviation:

Description des fichiers de données

Nom du fichier


Nombre total de cas


Nombre total de variables


Type de fichier

Nesstar 200801


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