Jeu de données: The Health of Houston Survey 2018 Post-Harvey

Variable hlp1_coworkers: Help from coworkers [S]

Question littérale

HLP1a. Who helped you?

Texte descriptif

The universe for this variable includes all adult respondents age 18 and older who reported they were helped prepare for Hurricane Harvey or cope with its effects. Question asked only to respondents in the post-Harvey sample. NOTE: Any tabulations or analysis including this variable need to be performed using post-Harvey weight (Fnlwgt_post).

Valeurs Catégories N NP
0 No 1015 1 049 851,2
1 Yes 49 43 147,9
-8 Not in universe 1819 2 103 316,7
-7 Interview suspended 102 131 155,9

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 1064 1092999.113
Cas manquants 1921 2234472.632
Écart type 0.21 0.195
Cette variable est numérique


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