Jeu de données: The Health of Houston Survey 2018 Post-Harvey

Variable ev2: Place where evacuated [S]

Question littérale

EV2. Where did you evacuate to?

Texte descriptif

The universe for this variable includes all adult respondents age 18 and older who evacuated their home any time as a result of Hurricane Harvey. Question asked only to respondents in the post-Harvey sample. NOTE: Any tabulations or analysis including this variable need to be performed using post-Harvey weight (Fnlwgt_post).

Valeurs Catégories N NP
1 Family or friend's home 434 453 629,7
2 Hotel or motel 76 91 245,4
3 Designated Shelter 33 46 880,0
4 Hospital/more than one place/other 19 18 541,4
5 Left town or state 16 16 545,5
6 Stayed at work or other shelter 11 12 697,4
-8 Not in universe 2340 2 617 442,5
-7 Interview suspended 56 70 489,8

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 589 639539.402
Cas manquants 2396 2687932.343
Écart type 1.121 1.128
Cette variable est numérique


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