Jeu de données: The Health of Houston Survey 2018 Post-Harvey

Variable fpl_rec: FPL continuous [C]

Question littérale

To construct the FPL variable, the following input variables were used: total household income ('INC_2'), total people supported by household income ('INC_3'), and number of children supported by the household income ('INC_4A OR INC_4B'). In instances where INC_3 had no data, the total number of adults in the household from the screener was used.

Texte descriptif

The federal poverty level (FPL) variable is based on the Census Bureau poverty thresholds for 2018 by size of family and number of related children under 18 years. The universe for this variable includes adult respondents and children (kids are not included in the post-Harvey dataset).

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 2985 3327471.745
Cas manquants 0 0.0
Minimum 0.0034
Maximum 16474.465
Moyenne 521.232 445.859
Écart type 863.003 726.854
Cette variable est numérique


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