Jeu de données: The Health of Houston Survey 2010

Variable qnm6_a: Time without insurance, child [S]

Question littérale

M6. How long has it been since this child last had health insurance?

Texte descriptif

The universe for this variable includes children age 0 to 17 who did not currenly have health insurance. This question was not asked in the mail survey.

Valeurs Catégories N NP
1 Less than 12 months ago 49 48 804,2
2 More than 12 months, but not more than 2 years ago 15 19 371,0
3 More than 2 years ago 38 45 323,3
4 Never had health insurance coverage 25 27 088,1
8 Don't know 5 1 188,0
9 Refused 2 2 556,7
0 NIU - adult or child with insurance 6360 3 941 557,6

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 134 144331.371
Cas manquants 6360 3941557.629
Cette variable est numérique


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