Jeu de données: The Health of Houston Survey 2010

Variable unin_rsn: Reason uninsured, adult [S]

Question littérale

L11. What is the one main reason why you don't have insurance now/did not have any health insurance during those months?

Texte descriptif

The universe for this variable includes all adult respondents age 18 and older who reported no insurance for part or all of the past 12 months.

Valeurs Catégories N NP
1 Cost/cannot afford 587 400 234,2
2 Ineligible due to work status 207 139 072,0
3 Ineligible due to citizenship/immigration status 35 37 502,2
4 Not available through job or self-employed 33 23 979,1
5 Have not applied or tried to get insurance 32 34 810,5
6 Other ineligibility issues 34 19 760,5
7 Choose not to have insurance 48 49 353,1
8 Multiple or other reasons 162 119 496,0
9 DK/ref 131 95 009,0
0 NIU - child, adult with health insurance 5225 3 166 672,4

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 1269 919216.597
Cas manquants 5225 3166672.403
Cette variable est numérique


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