Dataset: The Health of Houston Survey 2010

Variable late_pre: Late prenatal care

Literal Question

R13. During your most recent pregnancy, how many weeks or months pregnant were you when you had your first visit for prenatal care? Do not count a visit for a pregnancy test or WIC only.

Descriptive Text

The variable is a calculation of the percentage of respondents who did not receive prenatal care within the first trimester as recommended by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG). The variable was recoded from a combination of several questions asking what week OR month in which the respondent had their first prenatal care visit. Women who responded 13 weeks or later, 3 months or later, or never were counted as having not received early prenatal care. The universe for this variable includes female respondents ages 18 and older who had given birth in the past 5 years. These questions were not asked in the mail survey.

Values Categories N NW
1 Yes 55 37,421.8
2 No 317 196,857.1
0 NIU - not in universe 6122 3,851,610.1

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 372 234278.9
Missing cases 6122 3851610.1
This variable is numeric


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