This variable was created from responses to the question: R17. How long did you breastfeed (your last baby)?
The variable was recoded by collapsing categories of specific lengths of time for breastfeeding into two categories: less than six months or six months and longer. The universe for this variable includes all female respondents age 18 and older who have given birth in the past 5 years. This question was not asked in the mail survey.
Values | Categories | N | NW | |||
1 | Yes | 168 | 98,013.1 |
2 | No | 160 | 98,817.7 |
0 | NIU - never breastfed | 6166 | 3,889,058.2 |
Valid cases | 328 | 196830.805 |
Missing cases | 6166 | 3889058.195 |
This variable is numeric |
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