Dataset: The Health of Houston Survey 2010

Variable qnp17b: Mental health uncomfortable talking about [S]

Literal Question

P17B. Please tell me yes or no for whether each statement applies to why you did not see a professional: You did not feel comfortable talking with a professional about your personal problems.

Descriptive Text

The universe for this variable includes all adult respondents age 18 and older who thought they might need medical treatment for mental problems, but did not seek treatment. This question was not asked in the mail survey.

Values Categories N NW
1 Yes 89 66,336.2
2 No 238 147,326.5
9 DK/Ref 3 866.2
0 NIU - child, mail questionnaire, adults who did NOT respond 6164 3,871,360.1

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 330 214528.882
Missing cases 6164 3871360.118
This variable is numeric


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