PP3. Are you receiving Supplemental Security Income, also known as SSI or Social Security Disability Insurance , also known as SSDI?
The universe for this variable includes all adult respondents age 18 and older who reported their household income was equal to or below 300% of the federal poverty level (FPL). For more information on the calculation of the federal poverty level (FPL), please see our variable text for Continuous FPL, all cases.
Values | Categories | N | NW | |||
1 | Yes, SSI only | 271 | 144,929.5 |
2 | Yes, SSDI only | 196 | 120,637.6 |
3 | Yes, both | 34 | 16,630.0 |
4 | No | 3156 | 2,314,720.8 |
9 | DK/Ref | 367 | 217,457.4 |
0 | NIU - Household > 300% FPL | 2470 | 1,271,513.7 |
Valid cases | 4024 | 2814375.286 |
Missing cases | 2470 | 1271513.714 |
This variable is numeric |
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