Dataset: The Health of Houston Survey 2018 Post-Harvey

Variable hc2: Severity of injuries/illnesses post-Harvey [S]

Literal Question

HC2. Which of the following best describes the extent of the injury or illness you suffered as a result of Hurricane Harvey?

Descriptive Text

The universe for this variable includes all adult respondents age 18 and older who suffered physical injuries or new illness as a result of Hurricane. Question asked only to respondents in the post-Harvey sample. NOTE: Any tabulations or analysis including this variable need to be performed using post-Harvey weight (Fnlwgt_post).

Values Categories N NW
1 Mild 77 97,153.4
2 Moderate 89 88,918.0
3 Serious 30 34,594.9
-8 Not in universe 2789 3,106,805.5

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 196 220666.265
Missing cases 2789 3106805.481
Standard deviation 0.701 0.719
This variable is numeric


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